
What Can I Make With Spice Cake Mix And Cream Cheese Or Sour Cream

sour cream spice cake on a serving plate

Sour Cream Spice Cake is every­thing you love about autumn bak­ing in one delec­tably sim­ple dessert. The warm spices we asso­ciate with autumn and the hol­i­days, (name­ly cin­na­monday, nut­1000000, gin­ger and clove), are del­i­cate­ly bal­anced with cit­rus. in this moist and ten­der block. Dark brown sug­ar brings carame­ly rich­ness and pecans add please­ful texture.

The vel­vety smooth cream cheese frost­ing is Sour Cream Spice Cake'due south crown­ing glo­ry. Mmmmm…you lot're going to love it!

A Annotation Almost the Ingredients

You're read­ing the recipe cor­rect­ly. There is but dark brown sug­ar in this block. It cre­ates a rich­er, more carame­ly fla­vor that you would­n't achieve with just white sugar.

The sour cream is impor­tant, once again for rich­ness, simply also for mois­ture in this bat­ter. You could prob­a­bly sub­sti­tute obviously Greek yogurt, though I haven't tried that in this recipe.

orange zest for sour cream spice cake

I used a big orangish for this recipe. It internet­ted me well over 1/3 cup of juice, but not quite a half cup. Be certain to zest the orangish before juic­ing it. If you just have orange juice in the fridge and want to employ that, you could brand it work, but the real cit­rus fla­vor comes from the oils in the zest. In my opin­ion, omit­ting it volition def­i­nite­ly modify the flavor.

The apple­sauce does­n't add tons of apple fla­vor. It is more for mois­ture and to cut back on the corporeality of fat need­ed. I employ unsweet­ened because that's my pref­er­ence. If y'all have sweet­ened apple­sauce on hand, it should be fine.


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If fall and the hol­i­days could be baked into a block, this moist and deli­cious spice cake would be it! The light cit­rus notes are a beau­ti­ful com­ple­ment to the warm spices and the tangy cream cheese frost­ing is pefection!

  • 1 cup simply­ter, softened
  • 1 iii/four cups nighttime brown saccharide
  • i/2 loving cup unsweet­ened applesauce
  • 1 large orange, zest and juice
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 1/iv cups all pur­pose flour
  • 1 tea­spoon bak­ing pulverization
  • 1 tea­spoon bak­ing soda
  • ane tea­spoon table salt
  • two Table­spoons cinnamon
  • 1 tea­spoon nutmeg
  • 1 tea­spoon ginger
  • one/2 tea­spoon cloves
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • one recipe Cream Cheese Frost­ing (run across in notes)

  1. Pre­heat oven to 350° and grease a 9x13 cake pan.
  2. Cream the but­ter and brown sug­ar togeth­er in the basin of your stand mixer.
  3. Add the apple sauce, sour cream, eggs, orange juice, zest and vanil­la and beat until the ingre­di­ents are incorporated.
  4. Add the flour, bak­ing pow­der, bak­ing soda and spices.  Mix until the dry ingre­di­ents are ful­ly incor­po­rat­ed into the concoction.
  5. Mix in the pecans.
  6. Bake in a greased 9x13 pan, for 35–45 min­utes at 350°.
  7. Remove the cake from the oven when the edges have pulled slight­ly away from the sides of the pan and a tooth­choice insert­ed in the cen­ter comes out clean.
  8. Cool the cake, in the pan, on a absurd­ing rack.
  9. When com­plete­ly absurd, frost information technology with one recipe of Cream Cheese Frost­ing (recipe in the notes, below) and if desired, sprin­kle with a few addi­tion­al chopped pecans.


Foam Cheese Frost­ing Recipe (enough to ice a block in a 9x13 pan)

In the basin of your stand up mix­er beat a soft­ened 8 oz bar of cream cheese, 1 Table­spoon of vanil­la, and ane pound of pow­dered (con­fec­tion­ers) sug­ar, until the frost­ing is smooth and creamy.  If the con­sister­ten­cy is too thick for you, add 1–3 tea­spoons of milk, a tea­spoon at a time, until you attain the desired consistency.

Frost your com­plete­ly cooled cake.

  • Prep Time: 10 min­utes
  • Cook Time: 35 min­utes
  • Cat­e­go­ry: Dessert, Cake
  • Method: Bak­ing
  • Cui­sine: Amer­i­can

How to Brand Sour Foam Spice Block

You lot won't believe how easy this spice cake is to make and how quick­ly it comes together!

baked sour cream spice cake in a 9x13 cake pan
  1. Start past cream­ing the only­ter and brown sug­ar togeth­er in the basin of your *stand mix­er. You can cer­tain­ly whip this up by hand, only I used my Bosch. A mix­er but makes the procedure quick and easy.
  2. Add together the apple­sauce, sour cream, orange juice and zest, eggs and vanil­la. Mix until they are well incorporated.
  3. Mix in the flour, bak­ing pow­der, bak­ing soda, common salt and spices.
  4. When the bat­ter is mixed, stir in the chopped pecans.
  5. Bake the sour cream spice cake in a 350° oven.

Finishing Your Spice Cake

The Sour Cream Spice Cake volition demand to cool on a rack. Unless I'grand mak­ing this for some spe­cial occa­sion, I go out it right in the pan to ice it. The recipe in the bill of fare, below, makes the per­fect amount of Cream Cheese Frost­ing for that sce­nario. If you are bak­ing the block in 2 lay­ers, or you are remov­ing the 9x13 from the pan to water ice the sides, as well, you lot volition need to dou­ble the frost­ing recipe.

Sour Cream Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and Chopped Pecans

When there'south no hint of heat left in the block it's time to fin­ish information technology off. Beat out upwards the soft­ened sour cream, vanil­la, milk and pow­dered sug­ar for the most deli­cious Cream Cheese Frosting.

Spread the frost­ing over the Sour Cream Spice Cake. I similar to sprin­kle a few extra chopped pecans over the top, considering well…delicious. You practise yous. I you have extra and honey them like me, information technology real­ly is spec­tac­u­lar. I go on this cake in the fridge because I dearest how it tastes served common cold. Not a neces­si­ty, but in my opin­ion, it's when it'due south at its ulti­mate best.

How easy is that? And you guys, it'south And so good!

sour cream spice cake with cream cheese frosting

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What Can I Make With Spice Cake Mix And Cream Cheese Or Sour Cream,


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