Unfortunately, Mojang's sandbox game Minecraft is notorious for corrupting worlds and making them unplayable. If you've spent hundreds of hours in a item world, it can be heartbreaking to find out you can no longer access it.

Luckily, depending on the level of abuse, it's possible to restore your Minecraft world from fill-in. Hither's how.

The Quick Fix for Corrupted Worlds on PC

First, endeavour to create a new earth with the same name and world seed as your lost world. Occasionally, this will upshot in Minecraft loading your previous world with your inventory intact. This ready will potentially work for any version of Minecraft.

Notation: For the sake of this tutorial, we'll call the lost earth "CorruptedWorld."

To create a new world with the aforementioned world seed:

  1. Open Minecraft.
  2. Select the original world, then click Edit.
  1. Click Export World Generation Settings. This will export a .JSON file to your saves folder.
  1. Go back to the world carte. Click Create New Globe and name the world the same every bit the original world.
  1. Select More Globe Options.
  1. Click Import Settings. This volition open up File Explorer.
  1. In the address bar, type %appdata%.
  1. Open up .minecraft.
  1. Double-click saves. This is where your Minecraft globe folders are held.
  1. Open your CorruptedWorld, select the file worldgen_settings_export.json and click Open. Wait for the world to be generated, then shut Minecraft.

If this doesn't work, move on to the more detailed fixes below.

The Longer Fix for Corrupted Worlds on PC

If the quick set didn't piece of work for y'all, manually creating a new earth and copying the old game files can fix the event. This set should work for both the Coffee Edition and Boulder Edition on Windows.

This procedure should also piece of work on a Mac, but the game files are held in the subconscious Library/Application Support binder.

Step 1: Create a New Earth

The first step is to open up Minecraft using the launcher and create a new world with the same seed equally the original world. If you don't have the seed at paw, you can find it by following the guide in the beginning ready.

Step ii: Transfer Level.dat Files

The next step is to transfer the necessary files to your new globe. We recommend creating a backup of your earth before doing this stride. We cover how to do so below.

To transfer the world files:

  1. Printing the Windows Key + R to open Run.
  2. Type %appdata% and press Enter.

3. Double-click .minecraft.

4. Double-click the saves folder.

5. Open CorruptedWorld and find level.dat, level.dat_mcr (not always nowadays), level.dat_old, and session.lock. Correct-click and copy/paste each of these files into your new earth'south folder. On Minecraft Bedrock Edition, y'all only need to transfer level.dat.

6. Restart Minecraft and load your world.

How to Restore a Minecraft World From Fill-in

If you have a backup folder of your Minecraft world, restoring your world is easy. All you accept to exercise is transfer the fill-in copy world into your saves folder.

Annotation: We recommend creating a backup of your saved games before doing this, as information technology will delete your local saves. You tin can exercise this in-game past selecting your earth, clicking Edit, and selecting Make Backup. The backups are stored inside the .minecraft folder in a second folder called backups.

How to Restore Your World on PC/Mac

To restore your backup Minecraft worlds on PC, simply navigate to your game saves binder as higher up, delete the corrupted world, and copy/paste the backup earth there. The process is the same for a Mac. To find your game files hands on Mac or Windows, open Minecraft, click your corrupted world, select Edit, then click Open up Backups Folder.

How to Restore Your Earth on Pocket Edition

If you play Minecraft on Android or iPhone, Minecraft PE at present attempts to repair corrupt saves automatically (as of Pocket Edition v0.xi.0 alpha). If this doesn't work, you can try to restore your saved file by accessing your phone's automated backups (e.g., Samsung Backup, Google Backup, or iCloud on iOS). Hopefully, these have backed upward your Minecraft data and will be able to restore your world.

If you don't know, here'due south how you can fill-in and restore information on Android and iPhone.

How to Restore Your World on Console

On Xbox and PlayStation, the process to restore your world is quite dissimilar.

On Xbox:

  1. Uninstall Minecraft.
  2. Delete saved game data past navigating to Arrangement > Storage > Clear local saved games.
  1. Articulate your MAC address by navigating to Network > Network Settings > Advanced Settings > Alternate MAC Address > Clear.
  2. Reinstall Minecraft and start it. It should sync your saves from Xbox Live's cloud backup server.

On PlayStation:

To restore a saved earth on PlayStation, yous demand a PS Plus account before the game gets corrupted. To restore your world open Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in Online Storage.

Here, select Download to System Storage, so select the world that you lot desire to restore and choose Download.

How to Restore a Previous Version on a Windows PC

Minecraft automatically stores backup files for each of your worlds on Microsoft Windows. Of class, reverting to this volition mean y'all lose some of your progress, but that's better than losing the world entirely.

To revert to your previous Minecraft world version:

  1. Navigate to the saves folder as higher up.
  1. Find your earth so double-click the binder.
  1. Observe the file level.dat and re-create it to another location to create a backup. Then, delete the file from the world binder.
  1. Rename level.dat_old to level.dat.
  1. Re-load Minecraft and see if your world is at present operation correctly.

The problem is, you will start in a random location (oft extremely far away from your builds) and take to locate them, and then hopefully, you have the coordinates written down. Further, any information regarding mods, plugins, or addons will be lost, and your inventory will be empty. Unfortunately, these are unavoidable bug with this method.

How to Partially Restore Your Globe

If cypher else works and you don't know the original globe seed, it's still possible to partially restore your Minecraft world. To practise so:

  1. Create a new world with any seed and name.
  2. Navigate to your world folder as to a higher place and transfer the CorruptedWorld level.dat file into your new globe's folder.
  1. Open up Minecraft and load your new earth. All of the chunks y'all saved in the original earth will load in the new seed. However, there volition likely be big cliffs/weird formations between the new and old world where they don't line up.

Bankroll Up Your Data is the Safest Choice

Hopefully, these methods have helped you lot restore your corrupted Minecraft files and you can get back to the game. Just keep in mind that the best option to protect your Minecraft saves (and all of your personal information) is by frequently creating backups of your data.